I created this piece to cut at the pride in the heart of man and to evokeĀ a sense of awe and wonder at how small we are in light of the grandiosity of the universe. The piece uses pixels to present the size of the following galaxies in our universe: The Milky Way, LMC, Andromoda, Cigar, Pinwheel, Sombrero, Whirlpool, NGC, Tadpole, Hoag and, finally, the Farthest Known galaxy. The Milky Way cosists of 3 pixels, with each pixel representing roughly 33,333 lightyears. (To try to make the scale more tangible, you could also think of each pixel as 1 mile of printer paper stacked on top of each other, making the Milky Way equivalent to a 3 mile stack of standard printer paper. The size of earth’s entire solar system within that 3 mile high stack of paper? Approximately the thickness of 1 sheet of paper.)
Mind blowing, I know.
As your eyes continue down the poster, each subsequent galaxy is shown with its corresponding distance from earth: LMC (5 pixels or 158,000 light years), Andromoda (78 pixels or 2,500,000 light years), Cigar (358 pixels or 11,500,000 light years), etc until we get all the way down to the Farthest Known galaxy which consists of a whopping 413,211 pixels or 13,300,000,000 light years from earth.
In order to fit the scale of the Farthest Known on the poster, I had to resort to printing on 36″ x 48″ paper.
This piece is sure to create awe and wonder in the mind of the beholder as they contemplate the truth found in David’s words from Psalm 8:4 “what is man that you are mindful of him, and human beings that you care for them?”
Printed on premium HP photo gloss paper which supplies vibrant colors and superior fade resistance, also ensuring perfect color, superior luster finish plus a 200 year archival rating.